
Photoshop: Red Eye Removal

Three quick and easy techniques to stop your friends and family looking demonic. I'll be assuming you have some basic knowledge of photoshop and I'm using photoshop 7. Though this should work in almost all versions. If you have any problems please feel free to contact me


First: This would be a good technique to use on close up photos.

Second: This would be good to use on photos where people are at more of a distance as it doesn't always work if the red eye is very predominant, it will make it go redder.

Third: This technique creates more of a contrast to the photo, so would be good to use on photos that are overexposed from the flash.


1. Create a new layer above the photo.

2. Select the paint tool and a white colour. Then zoom in and on the new layer created simply paint over the red area of the eye. See image to the right.

3. Add a little Gausian blur (filter-blur-Gausian blur) just to make the edges of the white less stark, usually 1.0 is fine. See what works best for your image.

4. Then lastly change the layer type (see image below if not sure what this is) to "Saturation".

5. If the red eye is still there then use the second technique (below) on the photo layer, not the layer painted on.


1. Simply use the burn tool (A) set it to midtones and a low exposure(B), as it turns to black quite quickly and any thing over 50% exposure is a bit over kill. Then just keep drawing over the red eye till it turns black.


1. Duplicate the photo layer, then desaturate the copy. (image-adjustments-desaturate)

2.. Making sure the black and white layer is on top, change the layer type to "mutiply", see image below.

3. If the eyes still have the red tint, just darken the eyes on the black and white layer with the burn tool. See second technique above for more information.

4..You can change the opacity of the black and white layer to create less of a contrast or increase the brightness/contrast to create more. As it will depend on the image you use and how dominate the red eye is.


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